A photo-recipe for mind-blowing brownie cupcakes
Yeah, I know it’s a photography site, but it’s my photography site, and I quite like the way my documenting of a recent recipe experiment turned out, so I thought I’d include it here.
I saw an image of the final product online somewhere not long ago, and thought I could probably make it work. I believe the recipe (which ‘originally’ called for just peanut butter) has been circulating for a little while now, so consider this my take on it, illustrated every step of the way!
So without further ado, here’s how you make Oreo Cookie and Peanut Butter/Nutella Brownie Cupcakes!

Enjoy! One word of caution: it wasn’t a huge deal when I made them, but occasionally, the paper stuck to the bottom of the cookies, so you may decide that you want to add a dollop of the brownie mix underneath them first to prevent that. Otherwise, it’s smooth, rich, thick, chewy-crunchy chocolaty sailing!